Florian Bieber is Professor in South East European History and Politics and Director of the Center for South East European Studies at the University of Graz. He coordinates the Balkans in Europe Policy Advisory Group and is President of the Association for the Study of Nationalities. He holds the Jean Monnet Chair on the Europeanisation of Southeastern Europe (2019-2022).

Dimitris Papadimitriou is Professor of Political Science and Director of the the Manchester Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence (JMCE) at the Department of Politics of the University of Manchester. He is also Co-Editor of the book series on European Politics at Manchester University Press.

Ayselin Yıldız is Associate Professor at the Department of International Relations of Yaşar University (Izmir/Türkiye). She holds a UNESCO Chair on International Migration and is also the Committee Member at UNESCO Türkiye Management of Social Transformations (MOST) and Migration Group.

Milenko Petrovic is Senior Lecturer above the Bar at the National Centre for Research on Europe and at the Department of Global, Cultural and Language Studies of the University of Canterbury, in New Zealand. He has held a Jean Monnet Chair in “The European Union and Europeanisation of Wider Europe and the World”.