The Jean Monnet Chair in EU Foreign Policy and the Western Balkans (University of the Peloponnese), and the European Regional Master in Democracy and Human Rights in SEE (University of Sarajevo and the University of Bologna) co-organized a panel discussion:
“The EU as a Geopolitical Actor in the Western Balkans: An Assessment”.
The event took place on Monday, February 12, from 18-19:30h, at the Professor Zdravko Grebo Center for Interdisciplinary Studies of the University of Sarajevo (location).
The panel featured the following speakers:
- Prof. Nedžma Džananović-Miraščija, Faculty of Political Science, University of Sarajevo
- Kurt Bassuener, PhD, Senior Associate, Democratization Policy Council
- Valery Perry, PhD, Senior Associate, Democratization Policy Council
- Leila Bičakčić, Executive Director, Center for Investigative Reporting
The discussion was moderated by Prof. Nikolaos Tzifakis, Jean Monnet Chair in EU Foreign Policy and the Western Balkans, University of the Peloponnese.

The event was attended by a vivid audience, consisting of international and local public officers, academics, and postgraduate students.

The workshop’s agenda was the following: